Anastasia Adensam

Veteran's sister gives back

Anastasia Adensam is an avid DAV supporter and friend who holds DAV's mission near and dear to her heart. Adensam's late brother was a disabled American veteran.

Anastasia Adensam

Adensam has made it her life's missioin to positively impact as many disabled American veterans' lives as she can. She's chosen to fulfull this endeavor through generous annual gifts to DAV. She has also decided to leave a legacy that inspires others to stand alongside our nation's ill and injured veterans by including DAV in her will.

"I feel blessed to support DAV's mission in a big way through my estate plans and annual contributions," Adensam said. "Knowing the dire struggles that my late brother and our current members endure after returning home often weighs heavily on my heart and I want to do everything I can to help."

Adensam's generosity through her bequest and annual gifts, combined with support from countless members and friends, helps DAV accomplish what we do every single day to improve the lives of those who have seved. Adensam receives immense satisfaction knowing that she is able to honor her brother's memory by helping other service members receive the benefits they've earned and deserve. "My late brother and men and women of today are fighting for my freedom—and coming home injured because of it. Now, I want to fight for and support them through my charitable giving."